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Physicists at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) just invented a new type of radar that uses entangled quantum state as a method of detecting objects.

This effective integration of quantum mechanics and equipment can have a really big impact on the biomedical industry and security, which is why the discovery is widely reported around the world. We remind that the quantum entangled state is a phenomenon that is impossible in the classical physics feature in that the state of the whole system is better defined than the state of parts, which are connected, regardless of the distance between them. Moreover, it is also possible entanglement between quantum systems that do not exist ... at the same time.

It is on this base its proposal a group of scientists Professor Johannes Fink from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria), Stefano Pirandola the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and and David Vitali from the Italian University of Camerino, so we met the new detection technology called quantum microwave illumination. The prototype, also called quantum radar is able to detect objects in the thermal noise conditions where traditional radar systems fail. Technology is therefore potential use in biomedical imaging scanners or security, which in addition need a minimum amount of power.

The principles behind this device is simple, instead of using the conventional microwave, two groups of scientists tangled photons known respectively as signal and idle. The signal is sent towards the object of interest, while at idle are measured relative isolation, free of obstructions and noise. When the feedback comes from the signal, the connection between them is broken and idle, but remains a small amount of correlation, a pattern describing the presence or absence of the object sought.

- we demonstrated the proof of our radar quantum of action. Using quantum entanglement generated at temperatures of several thousand degrees above absolute zero, we were able to detect objects at room temperature - says Shabir Barzanjeh, which previous research has allowed scientists on the theoretical foundation of the project. lifehacker And although such quantum entanglement is fragile by nature, is not a radar device based on several aspects can overcome the classical radar.

Suffice it to mention that the low energy traditional radars suffer from poor sensitivity, radar quantum is no problem: - The main news that comes from our research is that the radar quantum is possible not only in theory but practice. When we compare it with the classical solutions in the same conditions, we can see that a very low number of low-level photons, quantum-assisted detection can be great - they add. Many of the same evidence as that demonstrated by us, it was important milestones towards technological improvements. It will be very interesting to watch in the future implications of this study - the authors add.